10 Things ALL good moms have in common (2024)

It’s easy to stress out about how imperfect we are as mothers and forget that we are already great mamas for our kids!

We get stuck comparing ourselves to other moms, thinking we need to do everything like them (or they need to do everything like us) in order to be a good mom and raise our children “right”.

10 Things ALL good moms have in common (1)

That’s why I’ve compiled this list of 10 things ALL good moms have in common.

Cranky Kids

It doesn’t matter if you’ve literally written the book on parenting (or at least read every book on the subject), you will still have cranky and dare I say it, naughty, kids from time to time. Your child misbehaving or throwing tantrums doesn’t kick you out of the “good moms club”. If anything, it’s a requirement for membership, as it shows that you are, in fact, parenting a human child.

Bad Days

No matter how hard we try, how intricately we plan, or how desperately we attempt to just ‘go with the flow’ weall have bad days. It comes with the territory of being human, so of course, it’s a part of motherhood too. We may not let other moms see it (though I think we shouldn’t be afraid to) but we all have those days!

Feeling Sick of It (sometimes)

We all have days (or weeks) when we’re tired of this whole mommy thing. Sure, we wouldn’t trade it for the world…but the reality is, motherhood is exhausting. If you are a Stay at home mama, it’s tiring. If you are a mama who works out of the home it’s tiring. If you are a mama that works at home (shocker) it’s tiring!!! We all have our moments where we just need a break from all the needs of little ones. Needing a break does not make you a bad mom. It’s just evidence that you are constantly putting some one else’s needs above your own and at some point or another that catches up with you.

Mommy Guilt

Every last one of us suffers from mommy guilt. Whether it’s guilt from the way baby entered the world, the cleanliness of the home, or guilt weighing on your mind because you needed a break one day, we all feel guilty. Yes, we have all made parenting mistakes, so I suppose you could say we all have reason to feel guilty, but if we decided to be as gentle and supportive of ourselves as we are with our close friends, some of that guilt would melt away, and we’d be freed up to focus on more important thingslike playing silly games with our babiesand realizing that we’re doing a pretty great job, despite our mistakes!

Feeling Inferior

Along with feeling guilty, most of us also feel inferior to the moms we see around us. Maybe it’s the friend whose house is always spotless, or the mom in the grocery store that’s dressed to the nines with her children calmly walking in a perfect line behind her. We all have other mamas that we compare ourselves to, while worrying that we don’t measure up. I have a secret for you though…even thoseperfect looking mamas that seem to have everything put-together, suffer from feeling inferior and worrying that they aren’t measuring up to some one else. None of us are immune. We all have our faults,and our strengths.The real trick is finding ways to learn from each other, instead of feeling threatened or inferior because of our differences.

Moments of Temporary Insanity

Screaming children, 1000s of dirty diapers, toys all over the floor, preparing multiple meals a day, trying to convince the kids to eat… any/all of these things are enough to cause moments of temporary insanity in even the most calm of mothers! All mamas have those moments, don’t let them make you feel like you aren’t rockin’ this whole “motherhood” thing.

Messy Homes

It’s inevitable. If you have children, your home will be messy from time to time (or all the time). Toys all over the floor is not equivalent to “failure as a mother” status. Neither are dirty dishes or unfolded laundry. We’re all just doing our best, and sometimes that best means take-out for dinner so you have time to wash yesterday’s dishes or put away last week’s clean laundry. Do what you gotta do mama!

Just. Need. Peace.

There will always be those moments as we look on the messy home, and the noisy kids and all the other craziness that comes up during the day. All the chaos, the tears, the tantrums, the never-ending questions…sometimes we just need peace. A stolen moment of quiet. An early bedtime, a trip to the potty in solace. These are things we all crave (and miss), especially in the midst of a drama-filled day with the kiddos.

We Need Support

We all have our good daysand our bad ones,we all feel like we could be doing a better job, and maybe we just aren’t ‘good enough’ for this motherhood thing… andwe all need support. When you see a mama struggling, smile at her and tell her she’s doing well.Because she needs it.When you see that mama that seemssoput together on the outside, remind her that’s she’s doing a great job, because you never know when she might be falling apart on the inside. Offer support, give smiles, and most of all refrain from silently (or loudly) judging. Because we’re all in the same boat.

And we love our kids unconditionally

Through all the bad days, and the crazy nights. Even with their naughtiness and all our worries, nothing can quench the love that we have for our kiddos. There is nothing in the world like being a mama, and even though we might want some time off now and again, the love good mamas have for their kiddos can’t be explained with words.

Despite our differences there are still many things all good moms have in common. So don’t let those bad days, insecurities or tantrum throwing babies make you believe,even for a minutethat you are anything less than an extraordinary mama.

For more encouragement follow us on Facebook!

If you enjoyed this post then you will LOVE my new ebook, Confessions of an Imperfect Mom! You can get it on amazon here.

10 Things ALL good moms have in common (2024)


What do all Mothers have in common? ›

"Mothers all have one thing common: They want a better life for their children. Moms everywhere would do anything they can to keep their kids happy and healthy."

What is a true example of a good mom? ›

A good mother is patient and understands that children need time to learn and grow. She does not get frustrated or angry when her children make mistakes; instead, she offers guidance, support, and encouragement to help them overcome their challenges.

What does every mother need? ›

Ten Things Every New Mother Should Have
  • Car seat—You will want to purchase a car seat well before the baby's birth. ...
  • Diapers—You will need to decide whether to use disposable or cloth diapers. ...
  • Clothing—Make sure baby's clothing is simple to get off and on, and makes for easy diaper changes (think snaps here).

What characteristic of a mother can be best? ›

Top 10 Characteristics of Being a Good Mother
  • Listen to your child. ...
  • Be consistent with your child. ...
  • Follow through with your child. ...
  • Exhibit patience with your child. ...
  • Laugh with your child. ...
  • Set a good example and practice what you preach. ...
  • Teach your children. ...
  • Recognize your mistakes and apologize when necessary.

What traits only come from the mother? ›

10 traits you can inherit from your mother
  • Mitochondrial diseases. Mitochondrial diseases are chronic hereditary disorders that occur when mitochondria DNA has defects or mutations. ...
  • Eye conditions. ...
  • Physical features. ...
  • Menopause and menstruation timing. ...
  • Intelligence. ...
  • Sleeping patterns. ...
  • Aging. ...
  • Ability to lose or gain weight.

What do all parents have in common? ›

No one is perfect, all amazing parents strive to create a positive and supportive relationship with their children. They take an interest in their child's life and development and have reasonable expectations for their behavior.

How does the Bible define a good mother? ›

A godly mother is a servant.

She serves her family in a variety of ways remembering that she is following in Christ's footsteps. She doesn't seek a reward or serve only when it's convenient, or when she feels like it. She understands that in serving her family, she is serving the Lord.

What kind of woman makes a good mother? ›

Empathy and compassion are cornerstones of good motherhood. When a woman shows a high level of understanding and compassion towards others, it often indicates her potential to be a nurturing mother. This isn't just about her interactions with children; it's about how she treats everybody around her.

How do you describe mom in one word? ›

List of Adjectives for Mother
17 more rows

What are the three most important role of a mother? ›

To give just a few examples, mothers give their children psychological support and empathy, teach them moral values, and mediate how they interact with their siblings and their fathers.

What is the main purpose of a mother? ›

A mother teaches her child the values of love and care. She teaches her child how to eat well. A mother instils in her child the ability to be happy. A mother instils in her child the values and traditions of her family.

What must a mother do? ›

Mothers NEED to be affectionate and loving in actions AND in words. Tell your child how much you LOVE them. Show them how much they mean to you. Take advantage of each opportunity to spend quality time with them.

What are the characteristics of a good mother? ›

A mother shows unconditional love by embracing her child's unique qualities and supporting their dreams, even if they differ from her own. She loves her child through their ups and downs, deep failures and accomplishments.

What makes a true mother? ›

A mother is a selfless, loving human who must sacrifice many of their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children. A mother works hard to make sure their child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make it as a competent human being.

What is a strong mother? ›

It requires strength, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of our children. Moms are the unsung heroes who juggle multiple roles, conquer challenges, and inspire those around them with their unwavering determination.

What is the most common term for mother? ›

The most common is mom, which is an informal, familiar version of mother. The equivalent mum is commonly used in the U.K. and other places. An even more informal and familiar word is mommy, which is especially used by children. A similarly informal word is mama (and its alternate spellings momma and mamma).

What does every child inherit from his parents? ›

Parents pass on traits or characteristics, such as eye colour and blood type, to their children through their genes. Some health conditions and diseases can be passed on genetically too. Sometimes, one characteristic has many different forms.

What are all natural moms called? ›

The term crunchy mom is typically used to describe a mother or female caregiver who typically follows a natural lifestyle and incorporates it into their parenting. A crunchy mom attempts to avoid modern medicine, limits reliance on technology, and eats only organic foods.

What are the three types of mother? ›

Different types of mothers and their influence on children
  • THE AUTHORITARIAN MOTHER. You raise your child according to fixed rules that are not up for discussion. ...
Feb 21, 2023

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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