Illustrator Langley Fox Hemingway's Go-to Beauty Products (2025)

“I was always the weird person in the family, style-wise. Like, my sister [Dree] and I are almost two years apart. She’s older, but she never dyed her hair; I guess I was more ‘tomboy’ and strange than she was when we were younger. I remember in high school, she started wearing foundation, powder, bronzer, whatever, but I didn’t really get into it. I just wore eyeliner and mascara, once I figured out how to put it on. But I like putting on makeup because I like to draw—I’m an illustrator—so I see it as decorating my face.

For makeup, I have a little bag that everything fits in and it travels with me. I use Bare Minerals powder concealer, just under my eyes, on the bridge of my nose and chin sometimes, or any place I have a blemish. I always wait until my face lotion dries because it’s not fun putting powder on oily skin. After concealer, I put on a bit of Cargo Blu _Ray Bronzer, which I get at the beauty supply store. I’m not that sassy about bronzer but this sone’s good because it’s not too intense—I don’t want to look ‘California bronze.’ I mean, I am in California, but you can just use a little and it’s not that bad. I use it as a blush almost, on my cheekbones and sometimes on my eyes, and my jawline. Define your jawline! I think I learned some things from watching my mom [Mariel Hemingway] get her makeup done so much when I was younger; I just kind of figured it out. That actually was my favorite part of being on set, watching her get her hair and makeup done—the transformation, going from rollers to big hair, or whatever it was...

My Viseart eye shadow palette, I’ve had for a really long time. I’ve broken it so many times that it’s held together with rubber bands; it’s so good! I like to make my eyes look like they’re… dying, kind of, so I’ll put a taupe or grey shadow right in the creases. I like the hollow-eye look, but I still want it to look completely natural—like you would never know that I’m wearing anything. Then, I’ll define the eye a little bit with a dark brown shadow—I try to do it with a small brush like an eyeliner, but then smudge it away so you can’t really tell. In the morning, I’ll just do the bottom line, instead of eyeliner. And then if I go out at night, I wet the brush, dip it in a shadow, either dark brown or black, and put more of a defined line on the top and bottom. I’m pretty handy with a brush—I can get it to look almost like liquid liner.

For mascara, first I curl my lashes with a Japonesque Power Eyelash Curler, and then I do Estée Lauder TurboLash. It vibrates, which scares me a little, but it’s good. I like when mascara makes a line—when you can tell you’re wearing it but it’s not too clumpy. This one clumps a little bit, though I’ve been too lazy to get anything else… And that’s basically it.

During the day, I wear Aquaphor on my lips—lipstick is pointless because a lot of times, I don’t see anyone during the day since I work from home—but I do like wearing red lipstick at night. I’ll do everything besides lips, though, even if I’m not seeing anyone all day. I wake up at seven, so I just have so much time in the morning! [Laughs] My favorite lipstick is MAC Russian Red. I just got it, actually. I was using Red Revival from Maybelline for a really long time. I’m not too sassy about brands. One little trick I have is putting some Aquaphor on before you apply red lipstick—lipstick, especially red ones and matte ones, can dry out your lips a lot. If you put balm on first, then you only have to reapply it once more during the night, usually.

In terms of skincare, morning and night, I do the same thing: I wake up and wash my face with Earth Science Clarifying Facial Wash. I’ve used it for years—you can get it at the health food store or Whole Foods. I like this stuff because it takes off your makeup and also gets bubbly—I hate when you get a cleanser and it doesn’t bubble. And I hate when it doesn’t also take off your mascara. This one does everything.

Afterwards, I use Trader Joe’s Natural Facial Cleansing Pads. They have tea tree oil, and it kind of burns; I feel like it takes off the extra dirt. And I like being able to see what comes off your face—that’s really exciting. They’re good for a refresh, too... If you come home a little sweaty, whip out your pads! [Laughs] For a moisturizer, I like Alba Botanicals Hawaiian Moisturizer cream. During the day, I mix it with an SPF—Aveeno SPF 55 Continuous Protection. For a while, I had a more intensive night cream, but when I was using it over the summer, it was making my face feel like it couldn’t breathe, so I just started using the Alba Botanicals at night, and I liked it. Oh, and I have a skin secret… It’s my really lame secret: Traumeel, which is for pain relief, but if I ever have a blemish or dry spot, I put it on and it disappears. My mom used to use it on me when I was younger, and ever since—if I have like, chapped lips, I put it on. A bruise, a rash, a pimple… I use it for everything. I will put it on literally anything. It’s like, if I was in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, this would be my Windex. It’s magic.

I also use tea tree oil a lot. I don’t use deodorant, but sometimes I use a bit of tea tree oil. I don’t know if it’s an actual deodorant, but it makes me smell like tea tree oil! I’ve never used deodorant; my mother doesn’t use it, either. I don’t smell, so I don’t want to use anything. And sometimes my B.O. is kind of floral, I don’t know why. [Laughs] What else do I do that’s strange…well, I use Edge Shave Gel, because my dad left it in the shower. Is that weird?

One of the reasons I cut my hair short is because Scout from [the film] To Kill a Mockingbird is a pretty ongoing beauty inspiration. But I couldn’t do her haircut exactly because I have texture in my hair and she has straight little hair. Then, I did Rooney Mara bangs, which was awesome, but my bangs just started to grow, so I figured, let them do their thing; I like to change my hair up. For products, I buy all of my hairsprays from the drugstore: Pantene Fine Hairspray and Tresemme Extra Hold. I usually use dry shampoo, but it’s not been doing the trick. Regular hairspray does it better—it dries your hair out a little bit. You can have, like, really dirty hair and then you just start spraying hairspray all over it and it does weirdly good things. And I do put a little bit of oil in it while it’s drying: Earthly Body Marrakesh Oil Hair Styling Elixir Light or this L’Oréal Professionnel Mythic Oil that I got in a gift bag. My hair is pretty fine, and if it's still feeling flat, I use a little Redken Powder Grip 03—it makes your hair kind of feel dirty, but if you put a little bit on the roots, it weirdly hardens and lifts your hair at the root. Like a tiny bit—you just kind of dab it on because it will get hard quickly. Just for a boost.

I dye my hair once a month—it’s almost black. I’ve been going to the same woman in the Valley, Cher at Guy Matthew in Agoura, since I was seven. She knows me. It’s semi-permanent dye—I have ash-blond hair naturally, so when it starts growing out, it looks like my hair’s floating, and that’s not cute. I first started dyeing it when I was seven: my mom was on a movie set and I asked if I could cut my hair this short [a few inches] and dye it bright red. She said, ‘Cool,’ and I went, like, fire-hydrant red. It was so funny; I looked like a little boy. And then I tried every color: in fifth grade, I bleached it and did blue streaks, then it was dark purple, and for sixth-grade graduation, I had fuchsia hair. Around tenth grade, I started dyeing it black myself—it was more blue, not black—so I went back to the hairdresser. I don’t know why I was so into dyeing my hair crazy colors—I was so shy, I didn’t talk. It was like, my only way to be myself was to do my hair. And then I just got an addiction to it.

My shampoo and conditioner are Pureology—I think it was my hairdresser who turned me onto it, but they don’t test on animals, and they’re good for people who dye their hair because they don’t have sulfates, which can take out the dye or straighteners, I think. But I hate showering; I try to do it every day, though sometimes it’s like every three days. Since I don’t smell… and if your hair looks okay, then you’re fine! Keep on rolling. I’ve been really into hats lately, too, so that helps. [Laughs] But I do wash my feet daily. I don’t wear socks during the day—I only wear them when I sleep—and my feet get a little smelly, so I’ll sit in the sink at the end of the day. It’s like a mini bath.

I always do my own nails—now I’m wearing Big Apple Red by OPI. My nails all broke during the holidays—usually they’re really long—which is really sad. I try to paint them every few days since I also like to pick off my nail polish. I like OPI’s because you can get a nice, clean line with their brushes; it’s one of the nicest brands to paint with. I would say I’m obsessed with nails, but not in a, ‘I put art all over them’ kind of way—more like ‘I want them to be long and creepy/witchy.’ I’m just kind of obsessed with my hands, in general, maybe because I draw, so I’m looking at them all day.”

—as told to ITG

Langley Fox Hemingway photographed by Emily Weiss in Silverlake, CA on January 4th, 2012. Langley wears a Madewell shirt and (mostly) Made Her Think rings and chains.

Illustrator Langley Fox Hemingway's Go-to Beauty Products (2025)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.