Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (2025)

Build, test, and debug directly in your browser with a seamless developer experience that is loved by developers all around the world. Test your code, not your patience.

End-to-end TestingComponent Testing

Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (1)

Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (2)

Delightful Experience

Write your first passing test in minutes

  • Install Cypress via npm, yarn, or direct download as a standalone application. We recommend installing Cypress as a dev dependency to simplify upgrades and versioning while running in CI workflows.


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  • Launching Cypress for the first time, you will be guided through decisions and configuration tasks so you can write your first passing test in minutes. No more configuration hell.

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  • We believe that tests should be simple to write, read, and understand. Writing tests with Cypress is like giving descriptive commands to a real user to execute.


    • design-system
      • assets
        • cypress
          • e2e
        • src
          • components
            • Button.tsx
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    • Use Cypress Studio to generate tests as you click and record each interaction with your application. Additionally, you can use our interactive selector playground to generate commands for matching any element.

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    • Out-of-the-box, Cypress includes everything needed to set up your test suite. Spend less time managing drivers and dependencies, and spend more time delivering quality code.

      Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (3)

      An all-in-one testing framework and assertion library with mocking and stubbing.

      Screenshots & Videos


      Assertion Library

      Javascript Test Framework

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    • design-system
      • assets
        • cypress
          • e2e
        • src
          • components
            • Button.tsx

      Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (4)

      An all-in-one testing framework and assertion library with mocking and stubbing.

      Screenshots & Videos


      Assertion Library

      Javascript Test Framework

      Visual Debugging

      Debug failures directly in the browser

      • Time travel to see your application’s behavior during test execution step-by-step. Hover over commands to see which elements Cypress acted upon and how your real app responded using simulated user behavior.

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      • Watch commands execute and your application under test side-by-side and in real time. Tests automatically re-run on file save for an instant feedback loop so that you can drive development with testing.

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      • We go with the flow of the modern ecosystem. Continue using built-in browser tools that you know and love while your tests run. There’s no fidelity loss.

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      • Understand why something failed with automatic DOM snapshots and videos of a full test spec run. This extra visibility makes debugging in headless mode (locally or in continuous integration pipelines) a breeze.


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      • Find everything you need in one place. In-App workflows powered by Cloud insights to enable you to locally manage your project health and review, rerun, and debug tests that are recorded to Cypress Cloud.


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      Flake Resistance

      Eliminate flaky tests with ease

      • Never add arbitrary waits or sleeps to your tests. Cypress automatically waits for commands and assertions before moving on. Since commands execute serially, you can write deterministic, predictable tests.

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      • We wrap all DOM queries with robust retry-and-timeout logic. When a test fails, we mimic a real user with built-in wait times and multiple attempts at asserting your tests in order to minimize false negatives / positives.

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      • Cypress reduces flaky test results which are commonly present in other testing frameworks by isolating the state of each test and clearing the state of the browser before the next test runs and ensuring more trustworthy results.


        Login as a member role

        Clear page, cookies, sessions and local storage


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        Clear page, cookies, sessions and local storage


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      • Cypress automatically retries failed tests to mitigate flaky tests from failing entire test runs or CI builds. When paired with the Cypress Cloud, you’ll be able to detect, monitor, prioritize, and fix flake issues.

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      • Our architecture doesn’t use Selenium or WebDriver. We built Cypress from the ground up for superior stability. Running in the same run-loop as your app allows us to control the entire automation process from top to bottom.




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        Owner Role

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      Clear page, cookies, sessions and local storage


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      Clear page, cookies, sessions and local storage


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      Loved by OSS, trusted by Enterprise

      Cypress is proud to support developers all around the world by making it easier to build and test modern applications.


      Weekly downloads


      GitHub stars


      Dependent repositories

      Whoa @Cypress_io is just so impressive and writing tests is a surprising delight.

      Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (6)



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      Check out @Cypress_io for end to end #testing

      One of the most user-friendly, no-frills and feature-rich automation tools I have worked upon. Kudos to the Cypress team for their commitment and dedication. Keep up the good work!

      Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (7)

      Stephen Callender


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      Who deploys on Fridays? We do at @fostercommerce. Why? Because @Cypress_io.

      The further I get into my career as a dev, the more I appreciate testing. I like writing tests, I like finding edge cases with them, I like checking my bug fixes by running them, I like watching them live with cypress. It just feels like a good way to learn and feel confident.

      awesome to see how much tooling @Cypress_io is offering developers. Today, I went through the e2e code coverage tutorial and it was as easy as it could be to set it up on a react project

      Seriously, doing component testing with @Cypress_io is such a breath of fresh air. No mocking browser API's, none of that. Want to test out IntersectionObserver? Just load the component and use cypress. That's all.

      .@Cypress_io is an amazing piece of software. It's far and away the funnest and most intuitive testing framework I've ever used.

      I've started using @Cypress_io for testing

      It's insanely useful, not just for testing but as an aid while developing

      Can't believe how much time I've wasted by manually typing in data to test forms

      Here it is, along with a sneak peek of @cloakist's new onboarding flow

      Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (13)

      Filip Hric 🇸🇰❤️🇺🇦


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      Popularity of @Cypress_io is not a coincidence, the DX is buttery smooth and feels familiar with what FE devs work with already:

      - test code compiles and runs inside browser

      - hot reload tests (re-run on save)

      - debug with browser devtools

      - integrate with CI

      - component testing

      In the world of test automation, #cypress is a beauty. @Cypress_io

      @Cypress_io component testing can flip how you build apps.

      And it's got LITTLE to do with "testing". It allows you to develop from the inside out. This makes focusing while coding SO MUCH EASIER!

      Can't say this loud enough. Give Cypress componnet testing a try!!!

      #Vue #webdev

      @Cypress_io Amazing work on ver 10 and component testing. Just love the way you put emphasis on DX. Well played.

      @Cypress_io super happy with the great Cypress docs. Just getting started with testing and your excellent docs and video tutorials make it so much less intimidating. #FrontEndDeveloper #javascriptframeworks #javascript #unittesting #e2etesting

      Today I’ve installed and configured @Cypress_io component tests for #Angular - including #gitlab ci integration and a bunch of tests - within an hour of my working day 🤯 Cypress docs are on another level 👌🏻

      Smaller apps, building components from the outside in is easier.

      page -> table -> row -> cell

      Larger apps, this sucks and gets confusing! This is why @Cypress_io component testing is great. It makes this easier...

      cell -> row -> table -> page

      Test your code, not your patience

      Install Cypress in seconds on Mac, Linux, or Windows and embrace the future of testing modern applications.


      Installing Cypress

      Check out our comprehensive Docs for details about installing Cypress.

      Learn how to install Cypress

      Learn Cypress

      Add testing skills to your toolbelt with our expert-led courses.

      Visit Cypress Learn

      Integrate with CI

      Cypress integrates with all CI providers to record and optimize your test runs.

      Add Cypress to your CI workflow

      Cypress Cloud

      Supercharge your workflow with test intelligence, visual reviews, and more.

      Explore Cypress Cloud

      Open-Source E2E Testing Tools & UI Testing Framework | (2025)


      Is Cypress good for E2E testing? ›

      Cypress runs end-to-end tests the same way users interact with your app by using a real browser, visiting URLs, viewing content, clicking on links and buttons, etc. Testing this way helps ensure your tests and the user's experience are the same.

      Is Cypress E2E free? ›

      Cypress is a free, downloadable and open source (MIT license) application. This is always free to use. Cypress Cloud is a web application that offers a variety of billing plans (including a free, open source plan) for when you want to record your test runs in CI.

      Is Cypress good for UI testing? ›

      It can run completely isolated without additional libraries. Easy to use: Cypress has a simple and intuitive API, making it easy to get started with end-to-end testing, even for users with little or no programming experience.

      Which one is better, selenium or Cypress? ›

      Cypress is generally easier and faster to use than Selenium.

      It runs tests directly in the browser, requires minimal setup, and has a built-in test runner. However, it only supports JavaScript.

      Is Cypress easy to learn? ›

      Easy Setup and User-Friendly Dashboard: Cypress is easy to set up and includes a user-friendly dashboard for writing, managing, and running tests. Automatic Waiting and Retrying: Cypress automatically waits for elements to load and retries commands, reducing flaky tests and enhancing reliability.

      Which is better, Cypress or jest? ›

      Jest tends to be faster in execution, as it runs tests in a Node. js environment without the overhead of a real browser. On the other hand, Cypress is designed for testing the behavior and appearance of your front-end code, focusing on aspects like user interactions, navigation, layout, and styling.

      Why Cypress is not good for API testing? ›

      Known for its fast test execution in the context of end-to-end testing, API testing might require repetitive and rapid execution of numerous requests. The overhead of the Cypress architecture may impact the speed of execution for API tests.

      What is Cypress IO good for? ›

      With Cypress, you can easily create tests for your modern web applications, debug them visually, and automatically run them in your continuous integration builds.

      Is Cypress good for backend testing? ›

      Cypress provides a straightforward methodology for testing backend APIs: Define Test Cases: Break down your backend API requirements into clear and concise test cases. Set Network Conditions: Use Cypress's network interceptors to control and manipulate network requests. Send API Requests: Use the cy.

      Is Cypress in demand? ›

      Learn Cypress Tool which is very high demand in market - Get Hands on experience from 10+yrs experienced Trainer.

      How popular is Cypress for testing? › has market share of 2.34% in browser-testing market. competes with 24 competitor tools in browser-testing category. The top alternatives for browser-testing tool are CodePen with 94.85%, with 1.10%, BrowserStack with 0.85% market share.

      Why not to use Cypress? ›

      Why? Because it's Cypress, Cypress needs a browser to run their test runner. If Cypress detects that you didn't open any page, it will automatically run your tests on headless mode BUT still a browser. It still uses additional CPU and memory to make HTTP requests.

      What are the disadvantages of Cypress? ›

      Cypress Automation QA Lead | Web and API…
      • No support for Non-browser environment: Cypress does not support non-browser enviroment for tests as it is specifically designed for web browser testing.
      • Single tab execution: Cypress runs through proxy in browser's tab. ...
      • Language support: Cypress only supports Javascript.
      Feb 6, 2024

      Is Cypress good for E2E? ›

      End-to-End (E2E) testing is designed to ensure that all components of a software application are working together correctly and that the system as a whole meets the desired functionality, performance, and reliability requirements. Cypress is a popular open-source end-to-end testing framework for web applications.

      Is Cypress E2E or integration? ›

      Cypress was originally designed to run end-to-end (E2E) tests on anything that runs in a browser. A typical E2E test visits the application in a browser and performs actions via the UI just like a real user would.

      What is the difference between Cypress component and E2E? ›

      Component tests can be executed without relying on external dependencies or services, while Cypress E2E tests usually require the application to be deployed and all its dependencies to be up and running. This makes Cypress component tests faster to execute and easier to set up and maintain.

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      Article information

      Author: Neely Ledner

      Last Updated:

      Views: 6478

      Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

      Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Neely Ledner

      Birthday: 1998-06-09

      Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

      Phone: +2433516856029

      Job: Central Legal Facilitator

      Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

      Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.