The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (2024)

Two things set The Walking Dead apart from most other zombie franchises - the large ensemble cast and the years-long, slowly unfolding storyline. At this point the Walking Dead cast is large enough to rival Game of Thrones, and just as prone to dying in tragic and horrific ways. Look for that trend to continue as AMC debuts the spinoff series Fear the Walking Dead later this month.To celebrate that upcoming series, we've compiled a list of the 25 greatest Walking Dead characters - heroes and villains, living and dead. This list covers both the comic book and TV series, so beware of spoilers for both.

25. Clementine

The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (1)

While this list is focused on the Walking Dead comics and TV series, we'd be remiss if we didn't at least include Clementine from Telltale's Walking Dead games. These story-driven adventure games take place in the same universe as the comic, tasking the player with protecting the young but highly intelligent Clem from the many dangers of this post-apocalyptic world. The great strength of this series is in building empathy between the player and Clem. For once, protecting a digital sidekick is a pleasure rather than a chore.

Clem rises to the forefront even more in Season 2 of the video game, as she becomes the protagonist and wrestles with the loss of her childhood innocence in an increasingly dark world. Sadly, it's a struggle most children in the Walking Dead universe face.

24. Gabriel Stokes

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Gabriel Stokes left quite an impression when he first appeared in the Walking Dead comic - a kindly priest walking among the undead with only his faith to protect him. Of course, the truth doesn't quite align with the facade, and that's exactly what makes Gabriel so compelling.

In both the comic and TV show, Rick's band eventually discover that Gabriel only survived the zombie outbreak and the many difficult months after because he barricaded himself in his church and doomed his congregation to die. As such, they're less than willing to trust Gabriel as he tries to find his place among them. But as Gabriel has proven many times now, he's far from a bad man. He's haunted by the mistakes of his past and doing his best to atone in the present by serving as the one and only priest in the safe haven of Alexandria.

23. Lori Grimes

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If we were basing this list solely on the TV series, it might be hard to justify giving Lori a spot. On one hand, she's one of the most important characters in the first few seasons. She's wife to Rick and mother to Carl. On the other, her characterization in those three seasons was often maddening. Whether it was her lack of survival skills, her apparent inability to be a good mother to Carl, or her full-on transformation into Lady Macbeth late in Season 2, viewers were given plenty of reason to despise Lori.

However, Lori's characterization tended to be stronger in the comic. There she proved herself a stalwart member of the group, forming a deep bond with Carol Peletier and confronting her impending pregnancy with more bravery and determination than we imagine most expectant mothers in a post-apocalyptic wasteland would.

In both cases, however, Lori is arguably more notable for the impact she leaves after her death than what she does in life. Whether it's the comic or TV show, Lori dies a tragic, violent death in Woodbury Prison and leaves Rick and Carl devastated by the loss. Rick's mental turmoil is such that he even begins conversing with his dead wife over a disconnected telephone. Rick's recurring visions of Lori in the TV series hammer home how profound his loss is and how important Lori was to the show despite all her problems.

22. Bob Stookey

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In the comic, Bob Stookey is a minor character best known for being Woodbury's town drunk when he isn't using his experience as a combat medic to stitch the Governor back together. However, the show elevated this minor character into something special by honing in on the source of his alcoholism.

As we learned when Bob debuted in Season 4, Bob suffered from crippling depression after twice finding himself the only survivor of zombie attacks. Luckily, the third time proved to be the charm when he was brought to Woodbury Prison by Daryl at the beginning of Season 4. Bob found new purpose in life as he put his medic skills to good use, and he even found love as he bonded with Sasha. All of this helped Bob develop a more positive outlook on life, one that he tried to impart to Rick as their group searched for a new home. Bob ultimately fell victim to the cannibals at Terminus, but his profound transformation is proof that life in The Walking Dead doesn't have to be all doom and gloom.

21. Abraham Ford

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Even in the post-apocalyptic wastelands, Abraham Ford is a character who immediately inspired confidence. Maybe it's his tough, no-nonsense military demeanor, or maybe it's his impressive mustache. Either way, it's clear Abraham isn't someone to be trifled with. Especially not with his infamously short temper.

In both the comic and TV show, Abraham appears after the group's flight from Woodbury Prison. He and his girlfriend Rosita take it upon themselves to escort Eugene Porter to Washington in hopes that the supposed medical expert can concoct a cure for the zombie plague. When Eugene's ruse is exposed, Abraham finds himself adrift and in search of new purpose. Good thing he joined up with Rick's group.

In the comic, Abraham was a vital member of Rick's team up until his death battling Negan's forces in issue #98. In the show, Abraham has become an increasingly prominent character over the past two seasons. We'll see if he outlives his comic book counterpart.

20. Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas

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T-Dog is a quiet, contemplative man, which is part of the reason he didn't stand out much in early episode of the TV series. His biggest contribution to the show's first season was probably dropping Rick's handcuff key and leaving Merle stranded on the roof.

However, T-Dog came into his own over the following two seasons. He established himself as a devoutly religious and compassionate man. Glenn even revealed that T-Dog spent the early days of the zombie outbreak escorting elderly residents of his town to emergency shelters.

T-Dog's defining moment came in the Season 3 episode "Killer Within," which was also his last. He heroically sacrificed himself so that Carol could escape a horde of ravenous zombies. And considering how vital Carol has been to the show since, his sacrifice paid off.

19. Beth Greene

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As the softspoken younger sister of Maggie, Beth didn't necessarily stand out early in the TV series' lifespan. Like most of the Greene clan, Beth was sheltered from the early ravages of the zombie outbreak. The loss of most of her family and her home caused her to further retreat within.

However, Beth eventually grew to become a more vital member of the group in later seasons, becoming more assertive and even striking up a friendship with Daryl, of all people. What defined Beth most was her unflappable optimism. Despite losing her parents, siblings, and two boyfriends, Beth retained a sense of hope for the future.

Her own future didn't turn out so bright, sadly. Beth met her end in the Season 5 episode "Coda," where she bravely (if rashly) attacked the cruel hospital warden Dawn Lerner with a pair of concealed scissors. At least Daryl was there to avenge her.

18. Jesus (Paul Monroe)

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There's a reason Paul Monroe has attracted the nickname "Jesus." Not only does he bear a certain resemblance to the iconic religious figure with his long hair and beard, many in the Hilltop Colony and the Alexandria Safe-Zone look to Jesus as their personal savior. He's built up quite a reputation for heroism. He's athletic, a skilled tactician and escape artist and the best zombie slayer this side of Michonne.

Jesus made his comic book debut in the buildup to the prolonged war between Alexandria and the Saviors. He quickly recognized Rick as a natural leader and a man worth serving. Jesus frequently distinguished himself during the course of the "All Out War" storyline, and after Rick himself was probably the most responsible for bringing Negan's reign of terror to an end. Jesus has proven himself equally instrumental in the rebuilding efforts, where he recently saved Maggie from a near-fatal assassination attempt.

Jesus has yet to make his live-action debut, but that may well change as Season 6 looms.

17. Tyreese Williams

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Some people are just natural-born leaders, and Tyreese certainly seems to be one of them. This determined survivor has a proven talent for leading and inspiring others, though he's just as happy to let Rick call the shots. He also has his own unique method of zombie slaying. Where other prefer guns, crossbows or even swords, Tyreese sticks to his trusty hammer.

In the comic, Tyreese was an integral part of life at Woodbury Prison, but not a man immune to personal tragedy. One of the more shocking moments in the series' early lifespan came when Tyreese walked in on his daughter Julie and boyfriend Chris in the midst of a failed suicide pact. Tyreese's decision to kill Chris in cold blood proved that he could be prone to fits of great violence. Even as his relationship with Rick deteriorated over time, Tyreese remained a faithful and hard-working member of the group up until his death at the Governor's hands.

In the TV series, Tyreese made his debut later in the storyline and managed to survive beyond the group's clash with the Governor. Much of the same character traits remained, though instead of being a father, Tyreese was accompanied by his sister, Sasha. His eventual death in the Season 5 episode "What Happened and What's Going On" was an especially poignant moment, as a dying Tyreese was haunted by visions of those he had lost and enemies he had failed to stop. Now only Sasha remains to carry on the family legacy.

16. Eugene Porter

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Eugene is far from the bravest or most noble character in The Walking Dead universe. When we first meet him in both the comic and the show, he's masquerading as an important government scientist hellbent on reaching Washington D.C. to help develop a cure for the zombie plague. It's only a matter of time before that ruse is exposed and Eugene admits to being nothing more than a high school science teacher relying on the likes of Abraham and Rosita for protection. That earns him a well-deserved punch in the face from Abraham.

Eugene may not be a great guy, and he certainly doesn't hold the key to mankind's salvation in his hands, but he has proven his worth to the group. In the comic, Eugene became vital to Rick's war against the Saviors, using his technical know-how to produce new ammunition. Two years later, Eugene is doing his part to bring modern technology back into the world. Similarly, Eugene's expertise has helped the group survive several scrapes in the TV series. With the setting having shifted to Alexandria, his skills may be in higher demand than ever.

15. Ezekiel

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All told, The Walking Dead is pretty grounded as far as zombie fiction goes. There are no bio-engineered monsters, sprinting zombies or kung-fu wizards to be found in this universe. But every so often, a character appears to break that illusion of reality and offer fans a glimpse of something more outlandish. Such was the case with Ezekiel, a self-proclaimed king possessed of a strong sense of theatricality and a pet tiger named Shiva. Few sights in the comic have proven more satisfying than Ezekiel and Shiva charging into battle and laying waste to the undead.

The fact that Ezekiel's regal qualities are all a fabrication only makes him that much more endearing. In truth, he was a humble zookeeper before the apocalypse unfolded. However, he deserves credit for rallying an entire settlement to his cause and protecting them against the threat of the Saviors. He sacrificed a great deal in his support of Alexandria. One of the more emotional moments in the comic came in issue #118, when the loyal Shiva sacrificed her life so that Ezekiel could live.

Sadly, his second lease on life only lasted a couple years. Ezekiel was one of several victims claimed by the bloodthirsty Alpha, reminding readers that no character, no matter how beloved, is truly safe in this world.

14. Merle Dixon

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Merle Dixon and his younger brother Daryl are among several major characters created specifically for the TV series. Early on, viewers were given precious little reason to sympathize with Merle. He quickly established himself as a racist, misogynistic bully who pretty much got what he deserved when he was chained to a roof and forced to saw off his own hand to escape.

Merle didn't reappear in the flesh until our heroes encountered him serving as the Governor's right-hand man (minus a right hand) in the Season 3 episode "Walk With Me." That was when he started to come into his own. Season 3 frequently explored the troubled relationship between the Dixon brothers and their terrible upbringing under a drunken, abusive father. It became clear that even Merle had a conscience as he spared Michonne's life and lamented the abuse Daryl suffered after Merle left home.

Merle ultimately redeemed himself (to an extent) when he turned on the Governor in "This Sorrowful Life" and attempted to kill the tyrannical villain in one-on-one combat. Sadly, he was unsuccessful. The scene where Daryl encountered his undead brother eating Ben's corpse easily ranks among the most gut-wrenching in the entire series.

13. Hershel Greene

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In the initial chaos of a post-apocalyptic world gone mad, Hershel Greene emerged as a calm voice of reason. In both the comic and TV series, Hershel made his debut in the wake of Carl being wounded by stray gunfire. His veterinary skills saved Carl's life, and his bountiful farm offered a welcome respite for Rick's band of survivors. For a while, at least.

Hershel proved to be a man of deep convictions but also many contradictions. He and his family were lucky enough to escape the initial ravages of the zombie outbreak, and as such Hershel was oblivious to the true dangers facing his family. He couldn't even bring himself to kill the undead. That all changed as their peaceful existence on the farm eventually collapsed. One of Hershel's defining TV moments came in the Season 2 finale, "Beside the Dying Fire," as he took to his fields and became a one-man, zombie-slaying army.

Hershel and the surviving members of his family eventually merged with Rick's group, and Hershel himself became instrumental to life at Woodbury prison. The show, more so than the comic, emphasized his importance as a source of guidance and wisdom. In both cases, however, Hershel met his tragic demise at the hands of the Governor during a bloody attack on the prison.

12. Dale Horvath

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Dale might not look like much, but this retired used car salesman is a vital member of Rick's group in its tumultuous early months. His kindness and compassion were instrumental in helping the group retain their humanity despite every instinct to abandon hope and live life with a "survival of the fittest" mentality.

Dale's close bonds with Glenn and Andrea made him all the more an endearing figure. With the former, Dale became a father figure and source of guidance. With the latter a romantic attraction developed despite their significant age gap (one that eventually grew into a full-blown relationship in the comic).

Dale's unexpectedly premature death in the Season 2 episode "Judge, Jury, Executioner" was a stark reminder that the TV series and comic don't always follow the same path. He managed to stick around much longer in the comic, surviving the Woodbury ordeal only to be bitten and infected on the journey to Washington. Luckily, Dale found victory in death. When he found himself being eaten by a group of cannibals in the "Fear the Hunters" storyline, he gloated that he had sealed their doom with his own infected flesh. It was a truly bad-ass finish for an everyman hero.

11. Negan

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The Governor emerged as the big bad guy of The Walking Dead in its early years, menacing our heroes for multiple seasons of the TV series and several years' worth of the comic. He left some mighty big shoes to fill, shoes that so far only Negan has come close to filling.

Unlike The Governor, there isn't really a lot of depth to Negan. He doesn't have a tragic back-story or lost loved ones motivating him. Really, he's just a terrible human being with a thirst for violence and an ability to lead others through fear. He has a sad*stic streak a mile wide. He drops F-bombs like they're going out of style, and the only thing he cares about in this world is Lucille, his barbed wire-coated baseball bat. He's a villain compelling in his awful-ness.

Negan made a huge splash when he debuted in The Walking Dead #100 and proceeded to beat Glenn to death. That kicked off a prolonged war between Negan's Saviors and the communities they terrorized, culminating between a bloody, near-fatal showdown between Negan and Rick in issue #122. Rick made the choice to keep Negan alive and prove that law and order still held sway in the world. Whether he'll come to regret that choice remains to be seen, but it did set up Negan for a continued and very unpredictable role in the series. Bizarrely enough, Negan has become almost a second father figure to the impressionable Carl.

Like Jesus, Negan is a character we're hoping will finally make his debut in Season 6 of the show. Whether it can fully translate his foul mouth and bloodthirsty behavior is another matter entirely.

10. Shane Walsh

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Shane could be described as the first recurring villain of The Walking Dead, though that label sells him short. Shane is nothing if not a well-meaning man. Before the zombie outbreak, he and Rick were best friends and partners in the police force. When Rick was left to die in a hospital, Shane took it upon himself to protect the rest of the Grimes family at all costs. The fact that he and Lori soon started having an affair was the start of his downfall.

In both the comic and the show, Shane is undone by Rick's miraculous return. His desire for Lori and his jealousy towards Rick slowly pushes the two men into mortal conflict. The advantage of the show is that this process is much slower. In the comic, Shane is shot dead by Carl in the climax of the first storyline, whereas in the show Shane doesn't meet his end until late in Season 2. That extended focus really allows the show to flesh out Shane's conflicted nature and tendency to commit some pretty horrible acts, as well as make his tragic demise that much more powerful. Shane's character arc set the tone for the series as a whole, reminding us that even good, honest men can go bad when given the right push.

9. Glenn Rhee

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Glenn is one of the few constants in the world of The Walking Dead. He was among the first survivors Rick encountered after waking from his coma. Were it not for Glenn's assistance in zombie-infested Atlanta, Rick might have died at the very beginning of the Walking Dead saga.

While not a particularly skilled fighter or hunter, Glenn immediately distinguished himself as a brave, resourceful young man, often venturing into the city to gather vital supplies for the rest of the group. At times it seemed as if the group were taking advantage of Glenn's bravery (like in the Season 2 episode "Cherokee Rose," when Glenn was used as live bait for a zombie trapped in a well), but Glenn never seems to complain.

Therein lies the character's true appeal. He's one of the most genuinely kind and decent people in a world where kindness and decency are usually rewarded with a painful death. His courtship of Maggie in both the comic and TV show reminded us that life can be about more than mere survival. And though Glenn slowly became hardened by his experiences and close brushes with death, at his core he remains an innocent, good-hearted person.

Glenn ultimately died a tragic death at Negan's hands in The Walking Dead #100. So far he's survived every ordeal in the show, but with rumors of Negan surfacing in Season 6, we have to wonder if his luck is about to run out.

8. Maggie Greene

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Perhaps no character better embodies the loss of innocence in a world of the undead than Maggie Greene. When we first meet Maggie in both the show and the comic, she's living a life of luxury in a world where hardship prevails. However, as Maggie faces one tragedy, loss and near-death experience after another, she evolves from naive country girl to hardened soldier. Maggie's great tragedy is that she eventually finds herself the last surviving member of the once large Greene clan. The loss of so many loved ones threatens to turn Maggie cold and cruel.

It's a testament to her character that this never quite happens. Her marriage to Glenn ensures that Maggie has a new family to cling to in her darkest moments. The comic went one step further by positioning Maggie and Glenn as adoptive parents to Sophie (who in that version outlived her mother rather than the other way around).

The comic version of Maggie has only grown more compelling in recent years as she's struggled to move past Glenn's death and raise her child, Hershel Jr. She made the choice to break away from Rick's group and build a new life for herself at the Hilltop. Maggie now finds herself the leader of that community in the aftermath of the war with the Saviors. However, with some residents willing to kill her to wrest control of the Hilltop away, Maggie finds herself in greater danger than ever. We think she's up to the challenge, though.

7. Andrea

The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (19)

Andrea is a true Walking Dead mainstay, debuting in the second issue of the comic and the second episode of the TV series. In both versions, the gist of her character arc is the same. Motivated by the death of her younger sister, Amy, and a desire to take charge of her life, Andrea evolves from timid white collar woman to hardened killer. Amy is notable for being an excellent sharpshooter, racking up one of the highest body counts of any character in the comic.

At some point the comic and TV versions of Andrea do diverge in a fairly profound way. In the former, Andrea is a staunch ally to Rick and his group. In the show, however, she finds herself caught in the middle of the conflict between The Governor and the survivors at Woodbury Prison. Andrea finds a new home with the Governor, even forming a romantic bond with the tyrannical villain for a time. Ultimately, though, her loyalties are with Rick's group, and her sad, self-inflicted death in the Season 3 finale "Welcome to the Tombs" is a testament to that.

Luckily, the comic version of Andrea has survived every hardship life has thrown her way. She and Rick have even fallen in love and now work tirelessly to build Alexandra into a beacon of hope for humanity.

6. Carl Grimes

The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (20)

If life is hard for everyone struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, it's especially hard on the children. What happens when they no longer remember the world that was? Rick has done everything in his power to ensure that his son retains the innocence of youth as long as possible. But in a world of the undead, children only survive if they learn how to grow up fast.

That's something Carl has learned how to do over the course of both the comic and the show. He's seen death and hardship and done his fair share of killing. The child that was is gone, replaced by a cold, pragmatic young man. In the show, nowhere was this transformation more apparent than the Season 3 episode "Killer Within," where Carl shot his own mother to prevent her from becoming an undead walker.

For the most part, though, the TV series hasn't showcased Carl's evolution as well as the comic. The comic version of Carl has suffered in ways even his TV counterpart couldn't imagine. In the storyline "No Way Out," Carl is shot in the eye, leaving him with a nasty scar to symbolized the hardened young man within. Often, what stands out about Carl more than his innate toughness is his rigid code of morality. Carl is devoted to saving lives and helping others in a way even his father isn't, a fact that sometimes puts them at odds.

5. Carol Peletier

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The comic and TV versions of The Walking Dead tend to follow the same general road map, with plenty of room left in between for each to diverge and make its own choices. With that in mind, perhaps no character was as fundamentally changed in the transition from comic to TV as Carol.

The two versions start out in similar positions. Early on, Carol is a meek housewife whose only motivation is protecting her daughter, Sophia. From there, the two versions follow very different trajectories. The comic book version of Carol is weak, neurotic and mentally unstable. This eventually results in her committing suicide during the storyline "The Calm Before," leaving the orphaned Sophia to be cared for by Glenn and Maggie. Carol's actions may be understandable given her fragile state and the hellish world she found herself in, but hardly commendable.

By comparison, the TV version of Carol has evolved into a rip-roaring bad-ass and easily one of the show's most dynamic characters. Though haunted by the loss of her husband (drunken abuser though he was) and her daughter, Carol has discovered a vast reservoir of inner strength that has allowed her to survive and even thrive in the world of the undead. Season 5 proved to be the strongest showcase for Carol so far, whether it was her taking charge and rescuing her friends from the cannibals of Terminus in "No Sanctuary" or that infamous cookie scene in "Forget," Carol has become a true force to be reckoned with. Were her comic counterpart on the same level, she might just top this list.

4. The Governor

The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (22)

The Governor is and may always be the definitive Walking Dead villain. This seemingly benevolent leader of Woodbury, Georgia has a talent for luring in innocent survivors like a Venus Fly Trap and then striking. His penchant for torture and cruelty knows no bounds. On the other hand, he keeps a tight ship, which is enough for many citizens living in Woodbury.

In both the comic and TV show, our heroes ran afoul of the Governor after taking up residency in the nearby prison. In both cases, several group members found themselves being tortured for information about the prison. The comic book version really left his mark the the storyline "The Best Defense," as he mentally tortured Glenn, cut off Rick's hand and subjected Michonne to repeated rape. Our heroes fared only slightly better in the TV version, and in both cases The Governor's comeuppance at Michonne's hand was well-deserved. Sadly, neither version encounter put an end to the Governor's threat. It only antagonized him further, sparking a final, bloody battle between his forces and the survivors at the prison.

For all his cruelty, though, it must be said that the Governor has sympathetic qualities. Like so many others, he lost his family to the zombie outbreak, and he couldn't bring himself to kill his infected daughter. Season 4 showed us a Governor who tried to leave his dark past behind and start a new family life. That only lasted a couple episodes, unfortunately. That blend of evil and tragedy is so strong that co-writers Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga further fleshed out his past in a prequel novel. How many other characters can boast that?

3. Daryl Dixon

The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (23)

The Walking Dead TV series features a number of original characters not found in the comic. Of those, none have left as big a mark on the universe as Daryl Dixon.

On one hand, Daryl stands out because he's exactly the sort of cool, competent zombie slayer we'd want at our back in a post-apocalyptic scenario. A life of hard living molded Daryl into a fighter long before the dead began to walk. The fact that he does most of his killing with a crossbow rather than a gun makes him that much more awesome. Daryl excels at keeping a level head when everyone else falters.

But the core of the characters appeal is the fact that he's slowly evolved from an aloof loner to a full-fledged member of the unusual family that unites our heroes. Daryl's rough childhood left its scars (literally), but unlike his racist, hateful older brother, Merle, Daryl has proved himself loyal and brave. He nearly killed himself in the Season 2 episode "Chupacabra" in a futile attempt to track down Sophia. He's the consummate scoundrel with a heart of gold.

It's been especially fascinating to watch Daryl become torn between his love for Merle and his loyalty to his new family. That struggle came to a head in the latter half of Season 3 as the brothers were reunited and finally torn apart for good. Wit the loss of his brother hanging over his head, Daryl has only become a more compelling figure than ever.

2. Michonne

The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (24)

If any Walking Dead character can out-bad-ass the likes of Daryl Dixon, it's Michonne. Between her trademark katana or her twin zombie pets, she cuts quite an impressive figure as she wanders the wilderness and slaughters the undead by the score. She's even transformed into a bona fide pirate queen in recent issues of the comic.

Michonne is certainly an imposing figure, but that isn't why she ranks so high on this list. Rather, it's the fact that she's overcome so much tragedy and hardship and slowly come out of her shell. In both the comic and TV show, Michonne makes her debut as the survivors first encounter The Governor's army at Woodbury. Michonne proves instrumental in the battles to come and finds herself a member of a group after spending so many months alone and fending for herself. In both versions, it's been a real treat to watch Michonne form bonds with characters like Carl and Rick and relearn how to connect with others.

That's not to say her life isn't often ruled by tragedy still. We've learned details about her past, where she lost her child and found herself utterly alone. In the comic, every man Michonne has formed a romantic bond with (Tyreese, Morgan, Ezekiel) has died a horrible death. She may well be cursed, but she's come to learn she's never truly alone.

1. Rick Grimes

The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (25)

However much The Walking Dead might be an ensemble story, at the end of the day it's really the story of Rick Grimes. Rick is the central figure of both the comic and TV series. He's one of the only constants on a show where death lurks around every corner and our heroes are always in search of a new safe haven. With that in mind, he's really the only logical choice for the greatest Walking Dead character.

Both versions of The Walking Dead open with Rick awaking from a long coma to find his family missing and the world overrun by the undead. That dilemma immediately establishes Rick as an everyman hero worth following. And as it turns out, finding his family is only the beginning of Rick's journey.

Rick doesn't have the suave action hero factor of characters like Daryl or Michonne. He's competent with a gun, but his real skill is in uniting and leading his fellow survivors. It's not even a skill Rick particularly understands or even wants. He frequently second-guesses and doubts his decisions. He makes mistakes, sometimes at the cost of others' lives. Often Rick has struggled to uphold his moral code in a world that rewards brutality over charity. But it's safe to say that without Rick's leadership, none of his group would have made it this far.

The real question is whether we'll ever see either the comic or the TV series kill off their #1 character. He's lost his hand in the comic and flirted with insanity in both versions, but Rick feels like one of the very few characters who's truly safe from death. It's hard to imagine a world without Rick Grimes at this point, and if he ever does fall he'll leave behind a powerful legacy.

Jesse is a mild-mannered writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter, or Kicksplode on MyIGN.
The Walking Dead's 25 Best Characters - IGN (2024)
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